The Unconservatory  

(The Myth of "Perfect Pitch"..... and How to Get "It," by Kirk Whipple)

XIV. Just could not resist…

Far be it from me to open pandora’s box (snicker, snicker!), but what about "temporal memory?" This would be the analogous rhythmic skill that would allow one to recall with increasing precision the speed of musical pieces (i.e. in "beats per minute") and lengths of sections of music or entire pieces as well as other acoustic events (i.e. in "seconds" and "minutes"). Does it exist? Is it learnable and teachable? Yep, but maybe in a later series!

The morals of this story:

    1. Do not let others tell you what you can or can not accomplish. They are almost always wrong or, at the very least, incomplete.
    2. and

    3. Do hold the talented on a pedestal. Then ask them to show you the stairway. You may or may not choose to take the climb.

Other installments:
The Myth of "Perfect Pitch" - 1

The Myth of "Perfect Pitch" - 2

The Myth of "Perfect Pitch" - 3

The Myth of "Perfect Pitch" - 4

The Myth of "Perfect Pitch" - 5

The Myth of "Perfect Pitch" - 6

The Myth of "Perfect Pitch" - 7

The Myth of "Perfect Pitch" - 8

The Myth of "Perfect Pitch" - 9

The Myth of "Perfect Pitch" - 10

The Myth of "Perfect Pitch" - 11

The Myth of "Perfect Pitch" - 12

The Myth of "Perfect Pitch" - 13

The Myth of "Perfect Pitch" - 14

Table of Contents

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Updated: September 18, 2004 (KB)

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